Wednesday, November 12, 2008

More Quotes.

And while I have my notebook in front of me (Lindsey, you're influential) I thought I might as well jot down a few others that I have.

One night at my house...
Dad: (singing the wrong words, off key, to a song... loudly and with gusto.)
Me: Dad, how do you expect me to ever be able to bring someone home?
Dad: Exactly. Method, my dear. Method.

And an afternoon with Emily...

"Holding hands is me putting out." - Emily M.

"We locked fingers - does that make a baby?" - Emily

"I don't linger unless they've paid for a good dinner." - Ok, that one was me

"If everyone had a glass of wine before church the Spirit would have mroe room to move." - me again

"Church is not a sitcom. Everything is not supposed to be resolved in half an hour." - Emily (brilliant!)

Our afternoons are productive! I miss you.

1 comment:

Lindsthanael said...

Yes! My work here is complete. I have influenced successfully and shall now find another unsuspecting soul. Laters.