Wednesday, November 12, 2008

From the Pulpit.

I have an amazing pastor. The depth, the insight, the discernment and wisdom - all of the intensity makes the funny things he says stand out all the more! Below are some of my favorites...

"You can pray for a space ship if you want but I think we are called to live in the middle of this - and to live strong."

"I perceived that this was a set up." -on an opportunity that came to witness to someone

"You really had to be a fly on a camel's hump to hear what was going on." -on conversations between Jesus and his disciples

"Intimacy with God doesn't mean ecstasy pills. Living for God is not some crescendo moment."

"You buy roses and all the petals fall off and you're left with sticks full of thorns. That's life."

"The honeymoon phase: you think the light at the end of the tunnel is the beaches of Bermuda. No! It's a 90 mph train headed for your face!"

"I hate the book of James. 'Count it all joy?!'"

"It is said, 'all things happen for a reason,' but it may be more biblical-y accurate to say, 'all things that happen will be redeemed.'"

There's more but I don't have them in front of me.

I love church.

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