Thursday, September 4, 2008


I've figured something out : I crave silence.

I do. There is a certain percentage of each day that, I think, should be spent with silence. Even if you have to speak, speak without any background noise.

Do you realize how much constant noise permeates our daily lives?

Unfortunately, my family does not value silence as much as I do. When my mom gets up, she starts her music. Granted, it is wonderful worship music, but it is constant. Constant.

Stop the madness!

Every time I have a chance to be alone at the house or in my car I relish the opportunity to turn everything off! Shh.... hear it? No? Perfect.

This is actually a very helpful revelation of myself. I was growing frustrated and testy (not a good thing) and I found myself with nerves overwrought (also not a good thing). Something was bothering me, I just couldn't put my finger on it. Now I know!

It actually startled me, when everyone left the house this morning and I hopped up and enthusiastically shut off everything that was emitting sound, how the silence that descended was so freeing. I found myself breathing deeper... or maybe even breathing again. (I hadn't realized I was holding my breath.) My jaws hurt a little from now having unclenched teeth and... wouldn't you know it, the words that I've been trying so desperately to formulate and commit to paper are finally flowing freely from my brain to my tap-tapping fingers on the keyboard.



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