Friday, April 18, 2008


I must admit, I am absolutely, without question, beyond a shadow of a doubt, exhausted. Just plain ol' worn out!

My gypsy blood had its fill these last few weeks and now I'm in dire need of some 'plunking'. ('Plunking' for those of you who have yet heard the definition for my new term is the art of doing absolutely nothing... with style.)

So I have scheduled this evening for plunking. I'm going to cook... because it soothes my nerves to do so. I'm going to put on my plunking clothes and I'm going to plunk myself down on the couch and do nothing. Ah... the sweet anticipation of an evening of plunking.

My plate has been full... and not with just making up new words. I'm rather on edge and don't know what to attribute it to, other than the exhaustion. (My apologies to those dear friends who are dealing with me in my pre-plunking state. It should improve over the weekend.)

Not only are my nerves raw, but my mind is swimming with all the thoughts in it. None of those thoughts are tagged, color coded or in any other fashion organized and this adds to the mayhem.

A glimpse into my mind (for those brave/foolish enough to peer in):
-Too many things to do
-Not enough time (or desire) to do them
-Papers, papers, papers everywhere!
-I think I'm allergic to fluorescent lighting (recognize that I understand I'm not, I just find that my tolerance for it has plummeted.)
-How can I think outside the box when I work in one!
-Wait, it's not yet the end of April...
-I like her shoes
-Plans for the future
-If I succeed in driving Route 66 with Molly out to CA, how am I going to get back?
-Friends are in relationships that make them happy, and bless me to see them happy.
-What am I going to do for my birthday?
-Any chance we can go camping at the Dunes before I leave?
-Hm, he's good looking
-How am I going to get everything done before I leave?
-Why am I leaving?
-I want to go home
-I'll miss here

Ok! Ok! I can't even take much more of that!! Ai ai ai. I hope, for your sake, you just scrolled past that and didn't take the time to read through it. Each of those bullet points are just the headline for the thesis-long thoughts that are stuck on repeat in my brain.

I must admit to being a little overwhelmed. I am hoping that an evening of plunking will fix this... however I am trying not to get too hopeful about it because I've tried to plunk numerous times before and something always comes up.

That's the thing to: usually they are excellent somethings. It's just that I'm tired... and I need to plunk...

...and I think I need a hug, a glass of water and a fluffy pillow. Yeah. That should help.

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