Friday, April 4, 2008

.Where I'm At.

So in the course of driving 2550+ miles over the last several days, Lindsey and I came across several truths. Some are truths we want to hold onto... others that we want to strive for.

In no particular order (and certainly an incomplete list):

1. Wherever you are, be there.

2. Appreciate anatomy.

3. God desires to bless us. (We both feel very spoiled at the moment.)

4. God is Sovereign.

5. Expensive hotels charge for internet but have magic beds.

6. Cheap hotels have free internet and less enchanting sleeping arrangements.

7. Going 95-100 mph is a very freeing experience.

8. 60 bunnies popping up like daisies next to the road within a relatively short distance constitutes as weird.

9. The fact that we didn't hit a single one should be considered miraculous.

10. It makes for a better sense of adventure driving west than it does driving east. You also gain hours rather than lose them.

11. Always take time to stop at odd places... especially if it's the Oz Museum in the middle of nowhere-Kansas.

12. Getting trucks to honk is fun. Having them honk without being asked is interesting.

13. Although a mini-van is a handicap, it is not debilitating.

14. Even a Days Inn looks warm and welcoming at 2am.

15. That same Days Inn does not look the same at 8am.

16. Pack a cooler full of food at the start of the trip and it will last you most of the way.

17. Always travel with someone who you are comfortable both talking to and being silent with.

18. Take pictures.

19. Accept the adventures that come along.

20. Know when it's time to go home.

What can I say? I am a road trip loving girl and God completely blessed this past week. We traveled a total of 2550 miles and drove through Indiana, Illinois, Iowa, Nebraska, Colorado, Kansas, Missouri and then Illinois and Indiana again. We saw things we hadn't seen before; did things we hadn't done before; met people we didn't know before and experienced God in a way we hadn't imagined before.

All in all, a good trip.

1 comment:

L.A.F. said...

Steph, I love this entry! Haha....I had the same thoughts about that Days Inn.... It really did look a lot different in the morning:)